girl with seedlings

Our Mission

We’re a small business on a powerful mission to fight climate change. 

We believe that first and foremost, the Earth needs to survive the next couple of generations. By putting oxygen back into the atmosphere, we aspire to create a tiny dent in the damage and destruction our planet has already seen, and reduce our own carbon footprint.

Reducing poverty by creating jobs for those who support us in our cause is a secondary and happy happenstance.

Here’s How We Give Back

Tree in ground

Tree Plantation

As a business, we are very aware about the CO2 and carbon emissions we release to be in business. By planting trees, we hope to absorb the CO2 that we emit and run a carbon neutral business.

For every order placed with us, you help us plant trees.

By supporting highV, you choose to not just buy cheer practice wear but also support a cause that helps conserve forests globally.

  • While planting trees can help us become carbon neutral, we want to be strategic about where we plant them - solving as many problems as we can with a single action.

    We looked into planting trees where deforestation is a significant problem. Although we found deforestation an issue around the globe, it is mostly prevalent in poverty-stricken regions: a double whammy to certain places.

  • By planting trees to conserve forests in these areas, and employing locals to improve their quality of life - we end up doing a whole lot more good than we initially set out to, and end up supporting entire communities in Nepal, Madagascar, Haiti, Indonesia, Mozambique, Kenya, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Job Creation

While practically we can’t travel the entire world ourselves, we donate to Eden Reforestation Projects to help us with all the physical planting across different regions. Through them, we empower and employ local communities to plant trees in all the necessary places. Save the Earth, Save our People.

Here’s How You Can Give Back

Cheerleading with a Cause

We know that every cheerleader dreams big ambitious dreams and goals for themselves. We encourage you to take it a step further.

By choosing highV, you’re choosing Sustainability.

By choosing highV, you’re choosing Earth.

By choosing highV, you’re choosing Life.

Annnndd you get some sick, no frills cheer practice wear that allows you to shine MINUS all the flashy rhinestones.

Shop highV